Sunday, June 14, 2009

Small Pieces of Paper Say

This past Friday I went to a Chinese buffet with Bill and my brother Dan.
My fortune cookie said:

You have a charming way with words
you should write a book.

I think I might.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Three Cups

Two years ago one of my dear friends gave me a copy of Three Cups of Tea:

an AMAZING book about Greg Mortenson's life, and his mission to bring schools to the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan.  

Only recently have I started reading this beautiful and inspirational book.  And it has reawakened desires to go and do and be and give that I had forgotten.

I am glad to be reminded of how much our lives are worth, and how quickly we can embrace a lifestyle where we take so many thing for granted. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

O ! Oxford

As I sit and eat a few of all my favorite things (Kashi granola, fruit and yogurt) and take a moment to wander through cyberspace I stumbled across this 

courtesy of The Inklings Blog.  It caused me to stop my hurried existence for a few moments, relish in, and long for the dwindling beauty of words, the art of reflection, and enjoyment of simplicty.

  We hurry far too much today.