Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Samuel's New Modes of Transportation

Samuel has been crawling for a little over a month now. He has developed his own method, different from anything I have ever seen.
It's taken me a while to get figure out how to get a video that is small enough to post, but here finally we have it:
(It takes him a few minutes to get going, but then he's off to the races.)

His Uncle Dan and Aunt Dez gave him a red ride in car for Christmas. He squealed when it was pulled out of the box, and I don't even know how to begin to describe how much he loves this thing. He cries whenever he has to be separated from it.

This weekend we reached the point where all of us where tired from pushing him around, so we put him in his walker and attached the car to the walker. Now his very favorite thing to do is pull the car behind him. He's gotten pretty good at it.